1776- It's All About the Follow Through

July 4th, 1776, or maybe July 2nd, or maybe August 2nd…. Well there is some debate on which is the correct date to celebrate Independence Day. If you want more details they can be found here or 1,000’s of other places on the internet. That’s really not the point. Whichever day is the “correct” day is very important to American history and I would say very important to most Americans. This is evident from the crazy celebrations that take place on the 4th of July. Over the years this has become a national holiday of huge celebrations with fireworks, parties, food, the whole shebang! This date is immortalized as the day that the 13 colonies declared their independence from Great Britain. This is considered by many the first collective step toward forming the United States of America. I will try not to bore you with too much history, I promise this is going somewhere. Why did this FIRST step become so important? There are many first steps that never materialize to any importanc...