What's Important

If you have read my blog, my tweets, or watched my videos, you know I am passionate about education and I think that overall schools, administration, teachers, students, and parents have absolutely hung the moon! I am surrounded by real-life superheroes! So many in education are ROCKSTARS! 

There has been a theme the past month and I personally think it is a GREAT trend! Below are some of the amazing things taking place during the current situation:

  • There has been an increased focus on well-being! This is teacher well-being, student well-being, parent well-being! We are checking on and worried about EVERYONE’S well-being! This is a phenomenal development! 
  • There has been an increased importance placed on relationships and supporting the whole child. There has been an increase in the buzz of SEL and making sure our stakeholders’ needs are taken care of. 
  • Making connections has come to the forefront of education! 
  • Providing grace for our students, our teachers, and our parents has skyrocketed! We are going to be flexible, we are going to focus on formative feedback, we are going to be as equitable as possible. 
  • Our communication has increased! Parent involvement has increased! 
  • We are offering choice to our students! We are increasing our technological abilities!

These are all rock-solid developments! They are fantastic. I have said or tweeted every single thing mentioned above! In fact, I have applauded everyone from my school, to my staff, to my parents. I have actually typed, “SEL is more important than ever!” and “Relationships and connections are EVERYTHING!” and “The focus on well-being is so important to our stakeholders.” My question is why now? I even put that in my tweets, it’s so important NOW, or it has to be our focus NOW. Or during the current crisis….  I have even written blog posts over the importance of the things listed above during emergency distance learning. My argument is if they are important NOW, they are important always! The current buzzwords and current trends aren’t just good practice during a crisis, they are good practice always. 

We should always be all of these things we say we are being currently. We should always focus on what we have found to be important now. Imagine the culture of our education system if we were ALWAYS focused on:


Whole Child


Emotional/Mental/Physical health


Being Flexible/Providing Grace

Providing Choice

We can change the future of our students by embracing the philosophy, "What’s important now, is what’s important always!"


  1. Love the passion that you have for people and learning. It is reflected through your words.


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